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Structural 3D Reconstruction of Indoor Space for 5G Signal Simulation with Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds

石莹 2021-08-08 浏览





图1 方法流程图


图2 基于移动激光扫描点云重建三维室内结构化模型


图3 重建室内模型的精度评价


(a)仿真5G信号多路径传播 (一楼)(b)信号强度水平剖面图(一楼)


(c)仿真5G信号多路径传播 (二楼)(d)信号强度水平剖面图 (二楼)
图4 基于重建结构化模型的5G信号强度仿真


3D modelling of indoor environment is essential in smart city applications such as building information modelling (BIM), spatial location application, energy consumption estimation, and signal simulation, etc. Fast and stable reconstruction of 3D models from point clouds has already attracted considerable research interest. However, in the complex indoor environment, automated reconstruction of detailed 3D models still remains a serious challenge. To address these issues, this paper presents a novel method that couples linear structures with three-dimensional geometric surfaces to automatically reconstruct 3D models using point cloud data from mobile laser scanning. In our proposed approach, a fully automatic room segmentation is performed on the unstructured point clouds via multi-label graph cuts with semantic constraints, which can overcome the over-segmentation in the long corridor. Then, the horizontal slices of point clouds with individual room are projected onto the plane to form a binary image, which is followed by line extraction and regularization to generate floorplan lines. The 3D structured models are reconstructed by multi-label graph cuts, which is designed to combine segmented room, line and surface elements as semantic constraints. Finally, this paper proposed a novel application that 5G signal simulation based on the output structural model to aim at determining the optimal location of 5G small base station in a large-scale indoor scene for the future. Four datasets collected using handheld and backpack laser scanning systems in different locations were used to evaluate the proposed method. The results indicate our proposed methodology provides an accurate and efficient reconstruction of detailed structured models from complex indoor scenes.