原文题目:Modeling urban canopy air temperature at city-block scale based on urban 3D morphology parameters– A study in Tianjin, North China
来源:Building and EnvironmentDOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110000

图1 研究方法关键步骤示意图
图2 相同气象背景条件下的14:00冠层气温预测图 (a)2010年; (b)2016年
- 建筑覆盖占比增加(同时绿地覆盖等比减少)对冠层气温的影响
图3 天津主城区冠层气温均值随建筑覆盖占比的变化曲线图
Urban 3D morphology significantly influences the outdoor thermal environment. Understanding the influence of urban expansion in both horizontal and vertical landscapes helps the canopy urban heat island (CUHI) effect mitigation. However, the microscale numerical CUHI models are difficult to be applied for large-area CUHI effect studies. On the other hand, the mesoscale CUHI models make a wider study area workable but lost some of the model accuracies. To perform a large-area study on the CUHI effect with relatively light computing costs and fine accuracy, this paper builds a canopy air temperature predicting model at city-block scale with urban 3D morphology parameters including building coverage ratio (BCR), grass coverage ratio (GCR) and the mean value of building height (BH) to obtain the citywide block-mean 2-m temperature (T2M). The model accuracy was validated through RMSEs and comparison with the mereological station data. The proposed model shows an RMSE of 0.286 °C and an R-square of 0.83. Using the validated model, Tianjin with an area of 647 km2 was performed to investigate the effects of vertical landscape on the canopy air temperature under different scenarios between 2010 and 2016, including the changes in landcover and building heights. It finds that a 40% increase in BCR may lead to the highest canopy air temperature, and the increase of BH may lead to an increase in the canopy air temperature in low-rise and high-rise building areas, but there is an opposite trend in multi-story and mid-rise building areas.